Thursday, 23 June 2011

快乐小卡车 Little Tutu Truck


一直都想做辆3D的汽车, 今早就先做两辆'老爷'卡车让孩子们当早餐. 它们之所以'老爷' 是因为只可以看,可以吃却玩不得. 因为一动,车轮和车身就会散开来了. =.="'

孩子们很喜欢今天的早餐, 一边吃还一边讨论,卡车果然带给他们很多欢乐. ^^

独乐乐不如众乐乐, 于是妈咪就花了点时间做出[快乐小卡车]的步骤,希望让更多的小朋友可以享用妈妈的爱心餐, 妈妈们加油!

[快乐小卡车] 制作过程:
10 steps to make the little tutu truck:

Things to prepare:
bread of your choice ~ 2 slices
Choose a spread that stick well ~ peanut butter, nutella, jam etc
Mini round crackers ~ 4~5 pieces

Mini round cutter


1) Lay out the bread on the preparing surface & cut the brown edges of the bread (keep 2 pcs for deco).
2) Cut the 2 slices of bread into 3 pieces each.
3) Spread peanut butter onto the bread & stick them together. (ref picture 4)
4) Cut the bread edges for truck decoration. You can measure by using the bread (the only 1 which has not been used).
5) Use a round cutter to cut out 2 'lamps' for the truck. You can just cut a square/rectangular lamp if you don't have a round cutter at home.

1) 把面包平放在沾板上,把皮去掉.(保留两条备用)
2) 把那两片去边的面包切成三小片.(如图2)
3) 涂上花生酱,然后把它们迭成三文治.(如图4)
4) 把面包皮切成跟所剩下的面包一样的长度, 用来装饰小卡车.
5) 用一个圆形的印模,切割出两粒车灯. 如果家里没有印模,可以切成正方形或长方形的车灯.

6) Stick the lamps & brown edge onto the truck (ref pic 7)
7) Spread peanut butter onto the bread & stick under the truck to make the truck looks 'floating'. (ref pic 9)
8) Spread peanut butter onto the 4 crackers (You only need to spread half of the cracker)& stick the crackers onto the truck as tires.
9) If you have a spare cracker, you can stick at the back as a spare tire. (^.^)
10) Take picture & enjoy the happy moment with your kid(s).

6) 把车灯及其他的装饰贴在小卡车上(如图7)
7) 将剩下的两片面包的其中一片图上花生酱,放置于卡车下,​让卡车感觉浮起来(如图9)
8) 接着把4粒饼干,半粒都凃上花生酱,然后贴在卡车4边当​车轮.
9) 如果还有多余的饼干,不妨在卡车后多贴一粒当备胎.
10) 最后当然是跟你的宝贝一起’玩’卡车啦!